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Inferior Silesia Canis Welcomes You!

Me and bostons

About us

Highly professional environment, but still a home for all our animals. We see them and look after them as members of our extended family.

Big attention is given to selection of puppies due to the FCI standard; as we constantly seek to improve the breed, in each litter we will have 1-2 exhibition puppies at the best. In our kennel, we look on quality of show dogs and not quantity of them, we aim to dogs with ISC had their type of beauty very reminiscent of that from the pattern (nice and inteligent expression, with dark round eyes, small or medium size, level topline and very elegant in static and movement), regardless of whether they will be – show dog or just the companion family dogs.

Good looks are not everything, and all our dogs are tested for diseases that affect breed – eyes disease including JHC, patella and spine problems, BEAR. However it is still possible that puppies from healthy (even champion) parents have some health issues. Therefore, we examine our dogs to prevent the breeding of affected individuals, and, we believe, with each generation there is less risk of the disease. After a few dozen or so generations, it may be possible to minimalize certain diseases just by proper selection. About bostons diseases you can read at Boston Terrier Club of America website: here


As essential part of our philosophy, we don’t focus only on appearance and health, but we invest a lot is socialisation as well. Rather than training, we like to refer to it as education. Being an owner and trainer of school for dogs, I personally recognise importance of natural approach to puppies, something that is confirmed by many of happy owners of happy puppies. Also we do early neurological stimulation about which, you can read here.

All of our dogs are on the raw food diet, where there is no processed foods, the most healthy and natural diet for dogs. As responsible breeders, we are keen that even when they leave our home, our dogs are still being looked after in the same manner, and we welcome any diet inquiries and questions from future prospective owners.Looks, health, upbringing, temperament and diet – for us is a package, all or nothing – we stand behind our exceptional results.Every puppy from our kennel receives birth certificate, personalized document folder and heathbook, passport booklet, chip, pedigree copies and health tests copies of parents and layette.


By choosing the puppy from ISC you join our family. What does it mean? Just that before buying a dog we will invite you for a visit and that after we will stay in touch for a long time as well as meet on various occasions. We hope, with time, to build a friendship. Raising a healthy puppy is a lot of dedicated work, and we like to stay in touch with new owners, as a friends, or simply as interested party. Meetings and pictures of canine members of your family is something we look forward. That makes parting from them easier. On our part, we guarantee lifetime of support, advising and recommendations for your pets wellbeing. Since Boston Terriers are still a rare breed in europe, not every vet is fully competent, so this is another example of how our bond will benefit you.

And remember, Bostons are born athletes; they thrive on sports, being Frisbee, flyball, catch, agility, puller, nosework or any other outdoor activity will make them as happy as they can be! We urge you to offer them more than a couch, allow them to enjoy life and your company in fullest!

I feel you got a good picture of who we are and what we do. If you are still interested in meeting us and our canine family, and share our values and passion, kindly drop a few lines about yourselves and let us know when can we welcome you!

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